Design is – making in order.
Mindfulness is – being in the present.
Design for Mindfulness is about making in order for being in the present,
so together, we can live mindfully, healthily and joyfully.
About The Author

My name is Alvin Hwang. I am an architectural designer based in Hawaii and California. I founded the architecture design studio AT ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN in 2022. I am also a Zen/Chan(禪) practitioner. I have been practicing mindfulness meditation for more than 8 years. I learn the teachings mainly from Mahayana Buddhism, but I also study extensively from related schools, scientific topics, and different religions. I hope you find the content of this blog beneficial in some way.
Now, I invite you to slow down and read the poem below with me. Thank you and Aloha!

Gratitude to the Unknown Instructors
“What they undertook to do
They brought to pass;
All things hang like
a drop of dew
Upon a blade of grass.“
– W. B. Yeats